Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Let enthusiasm drive you forward to achieve your goals!

Let enthusiasm drive you forward to achieve your goals, the Law of Attraction and Cosmic ordering works better if we believe in our goal and its what we need now. The enthusiasm and emotions we put behind it, is just as important, being so positive that it annoys others is good, just keep going and trying learning from failures be S M A R T.

Who crated the SMART goals

The SMART acronym first appeared in the November 1981 issue of Management Review. "There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management goals and objectives." was the title and it was written by George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham.

Good PDF download explaining more about SMART goals here I found on the web 

What Is A Smart Goal?

Goal setting is a powerful way of motivating people. Goals provide a clear idea of what we are trying to achieve. Goals allow us to measure our progress. We are able to plan what we need to do to achieve these goals through people, time, resources etc. 

A goal is just a wish or dream with a time on it. Set that goal or wish today and plan for success, learn to set SMART Goals with my looking forward with positive thoughts program.

S = Strategic and Specific

The goal should identify a specific action or event that will take place. Answers the question: Who and What?

M = Measurable

Include in the specific goal statement the measurements to be used to determine that the results or outcomes expected have been achieved. It answers the question: How?

If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

A = Attainable

Goals should challenge people to do their best, but they need also be achievable

R = Relevant /Rigorous

Goals need to pertain directly to the performance challenge being managed.

T = Time Bound

Enough time to achieve the goal And Not too much time, which can affect project performance. It answers the question: When? 

I have used this process a lot in my life and I would not recommend it if I had not tried it myself, one of the most memorable times was when I was involved with Fort William, Football Club as vice chair we needed to raise funds to help the club survive in the Highland League, I set a fig of £15000 put it out there and wrote it down in places I could see, I managed to raise it very quickly by being positive and enthusiastic about what and why we were trying to achieve our goals.

We won our first game in 3 years not long after that, as the whole club started to believe anything was possible. One of the most amazing things that happened also was when we got the sponsorship of £15000 we came out of the club house and there was this amazing rainbow, surly a sign from above!

Tips That Can Help You Set Smart Goals

If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

Tip 1. Attach a date to goal. State what you intend to accomplish and by when. You may want a few goals for the year, and some for one or two-month intervals. A good list should include some short-term and some long-term goals.

Tip 2. State goals as declarations of intention, not items on a wish list. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.

Tip 3. Share your goals with someone who cares if you reach them. Sharing your intentions with your best friends, your parents, or your teacher will help positive success.

Tip 4. Be specific. Sometimes a more general goal can become the long-term aim, and you can identify some more specific goals to take you there.

Tip 5. Develop several goals. A list of five to seven items gives you several things to work on over a period of time.

Tip 6. Review and revise your list. Experiment with different ways of stating your goals. Goal setting improves with practice, so play around with it.

Tip 7. Write down your goals and put them where you will notice them. The more often you read your goals, the more results you get.

Tip 8. Timely means setting deadlines. You must include one, otherwise your aim isn’t measurable. But your deadlines must be realistic, or the task isn’t achievable. T must be M, & R, & S without these your aim can’t be top-priority.

“No-one keeps his enthusiasm automatically. 

Enthusiasm must be nourished with new actions, new aspirations, new efforts, new vision” 


This is the first tool I do with a client and helps you get a snapshot of “where you're at”
Its called the wheel of life, 

You can download the life coaching manual with this in it to try yourself from.

This also gives you and I, an idea of what areas of your life we should focus on over the next few months.

1. Assign a number from 1 to 10 next to each category.

Write 1 if you are unsatisfied in this area and up to 10 if you are totally satisfied.

2. Look at your scores.

What are the 3 lowest scores?

What are the 3 areas you would most like to move forward?

3. Moving forward …

How would you feel if you could significantly move forward in these 3 areas?

I am often asked what is my Life Coaching all about let me explain now.

My intuitive life coaching sessions are for the purpose of helping you with any challenges that you may currently have or are facing. I also use my skills and tools to help you help yourself, whether it's spiritual guidance, relationship advice, employment, goal setting or just general guidance in life.

I have a great track record of assisting my clients achieve their goals, with my experience of business mentoring and industrial relations, I can be that neutral person that can see the issues and challenges with in your organisations that you cant see and assist in achieving solutions that can move you in the right direction.

I absolutely love working with Derek - we met at the chamber of commerce in 2012 and have become good friend ever since. Everything Derek has told me in terms of his psychic ability has been absolutely spot on in 4 years. He has also been a great support in helping me develop and grow in business, giving me the direction I need. He is always first on my mind when I know I need help. He allows me to think clearly and take a different angle on things and deal with tough decisions. I have recommended him to many friends, and they are never disappointed. LC

Each session is tailored to your individual requirement. The sessions can be done face to face or via Skype etc .The benefits of these sessions are that you can talk in confidence let of steam and look at solutions to achieve the success you truly desire.

To help you find A happy medium call or text on 07468119635, email

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