Friday, 21 October 2016

Derek's blog on time management and finding that happy medium in life!

Time has a value and it has to be respected. Put a value on your time, are you worth more than a penny a minute? Break down what you earn in a day into minutes 1440 mins in a day, we sleep say 8 hours 480 mins, eat and drink, toilet etc say 2 hours 120 mins rest breaks 2 hours 120mins already that is 720 mins, add in me time with kids say 3 hours 180 mins that is 900 mins we don,t count, leaves say 540 mins for work and you will be shocked how little it can be, but how important it is to you, even at a penny a minute for a whole day that is £144.40 then take away the 900 mins the value has to go up.  It all adds up, so do let others and yourself waste it, be proactive in your time management and learn to manage it better today!

My Time
My time has a value and worth.
My time is given wisely.
My time goes to quick I can't catch it.
My time is wasted by others.
My time has been lost.
But your time has come and your time is now.
Put down the phone and all the other time consuming devices. 
As my time is mine to use not to waste on others who don't value my time. 
Spend time with yourself and listen to yourself, make time today!

Tiredness can kill!

Tiredness is where we want to shut off and sleep, but if we open our eyes take in the beauty of life, we will never grow tired of it, don't let the tiresome challenges of life ware you down, wake up to the possibilities to change that feeling, to one of being alert and in that moment, where we say Sod this I am going to stop and enjoy this moment, recharge and dump the negative thoughts that are killing my mind and stressing me out today! Be in that moment now before you end up killing yourself with regret of what you could of done to avoid it, if you don't like your situation change it!

If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!
In today's world of multimedia and everything done fast, we often forget about the one thing that needs attention, love and care. YOU!

A big part of being a success is being fit and healthy enough to enjoy your success and have the energy to overcome the challenges we face, Imagine you have a golden goose that lays golden eggs.

What's more important?

The golden eggs or the golden goose?

If you don't look after the goose, what happens to the eggs?

You don't get any!

You can use today's tool to help determine which of your Life Priorities are golden eggs, and which priorities nurture the goose so it can keep giving you golden eggs.

Ideally, you need to order your priorities so the goose (that's you!) is higher than the golden eggs (what you produce).

For example,

What's your most valuable financial asset?

You might think it's your house, but it's not.


Let's say your house (a golden egg) is worth £300,000.

And that you (the golden goose) earn £40,000 per year.

Looks like the house is worth more, huh?

But after 20 years, your house might be worth £400,000, but over that time you have earned £800,000.

So your ability to earn is twice as valuable as your house.

Or the "golden goose" (you) are worth twice as much as your most valuable "golden egg."

In light of this, how high should "Health" be as a priority?


If you're on a plane with your son or daughter, and the flight attendant is doing the pre-take off routine, what do they tell you to do if there is a loss of cabin pressure?

Do they tell you to put your Childs oxygen mask on first, or do they tell you to put your mask on and THEN help your child?

They tell you to put yours on first.

Because if you aren't in a conscious state, you can't help ANYONE.

This is an example when it is loving and compassionate to make yourself the number one priority and put yourself first.

Do you feel better now about making "Yourself" a priority in other areas of life, so you have something to give to the people and work you love?

I use this simple diagram to help me, try it for yourself!

How often do you find yourself running out of time? Weekly, daily, hourly? For many, it seems that there's just never enough time in the day to get everything done.

When you know how to manage your time you gain control. Rather than busily working here, there, and everywhere (and not getting much done anywhere), effective time management helps you to choose what to work on and when. This is essential if you're to achieve anything of any real worth. 
Can you manage your time better? If so How?

Here’s some tips to help you:-

1) Realise that time management is a myth.

No matter how organised we are, there are always only 24 hours in a day. Time doesn't change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

2) Find out where you're wasting time.

Many of us are prey to time-wasters that steal time we could be using much more productively. What are your time-bandits? Do you spend too much time 'Net surfing, reading email, or making personal calls? Start tracking how to track your activities so you can form a accurate picture of what you actually do, the first step to effective time management.

3) Create time management goals.

Remember, the focus of time management is actually changing your behaviours, not changing time. A good place to start is by eliminating your personal time-wasters. For one week, for example, set a goal that you're not going to take personal phone calls while you're working. Delete those clients who never turn up on time or waste your time.

4) Implement a time management plan.

Think of this as an extension of time management tip # 3. The objective is to change your behaviours over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress. So you need to not only set your specific goals, but track them over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

Whether it's a Day-Timer or a software program, the first step to physically managing your time is to know where it's going now and planning how you're going to spend your time in the future. A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

6) Prioritise ruthlessly.

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark. If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish.

7) Learn to delegate and/or outsource.

No matter how small your business is, there's no need for you to be a one-person show. For effective time management, you need to let other people carry some of the load.

8) Establish routines and stick to them as much as possible.

While crises will arise, you'll be much more productive if you can follow routines most of the time.

9) Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks.

For instance, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Instead, set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

10) Be sure your systems are organised.

Are you wasting a lot of time looking for files on your computer? Take the time to organise a file management system. Is your filing system slowing you down? Redo it, so it's organised to the point that you can quickly lay your hands on what you need.

11) Don't waste time waiting.

From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's impossible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs. Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read,  or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign. Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your Ipads and/or smart Mob phone will help you stay connected.

You can be in control and accomplish what you want to accomplish - once you've come to grips with the time management myth and taken control of your time.

If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

Learn to delegate be decisive and free your time to achieve your goals

Do you need to learn how to delegate? Do you continuously work long hours? Are you perpetually tired? Do you find it hard to fit all the tasks you need to do into your day? Then it's time to decide what to delegate.

Running a small business isn't a job; it's twelve jobs - or more. The typical sole proprietor who doesn't delegate is her own manager, marketer, sales person, PR specialist, product or services developer, fundraiser, bookkeeper, human resources department, receptionist, secretary, and gofer. Some even serve as their own accountants and tax payers

And all of these jobs are in addition to what the small business person actually got into business to do in the first place, whether it be designing web pages or creating sportswear.

Shuck Some Hats and Delegate

No matter what stage of development your business is at, you don't have to wear all these hats and perform all of these tasks yourself. Learning how to delegate means learning how to hand some of the hats you now wear to other people who will wear them in your place. And handing off some of your many hats means that you will have more time and energy to focus on what it is you do best and want to do most - which will translate into increased success for your business.

The Fear of Delegating
Don't let fear prevent you from delegating! Some small business people are afraid to "let go" of a particular task and delegate it for what they consider to be good reasons. "So-and-so won't do as good a job at ________ as I do." Or "I'll waste too much time telling so-and-so how I want it done. It's easier to do it myself."

These are myths. People who make this kind of objection to delegating are really afraid of losing control. It's important to realize that you don't lose control of a task just because someone else is doing it. You still have the final say.

The Cost of Delegating

"It will cost me money," is the most common excuse not to learn how to delegate. It may or may not. Delegating will certainly cost you some time, because you'll have to research the best provider for the task you seek to delegate.

Delegating someone else to do a particular task for you may also cost you money. Some business people get around this by getting family members to pitch in. Others favour using people who are just starting out, as they often provide services for reduced rates. You may even be able to barter an exchange of services with other business people.

Remember that cost is relative. For example, is your doing all your own bookkeeping interfering with the time you would like to spend with your family? If your answer is "yes," then the cost of delegating is well worth it for you.

If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

Tips on How to Delegate Successfully

Set your fear of delegating aside. Just because some one else is doing it, doesn't mean that the job won't be done just as well as you would do it. In fact, sometimes the job will be done better, because that person is a specialist in that particular field.

Be creative when you delegate. Some jobs don't need to be filled by other people, or even filled at all for a period of time. For instance, tasks such as promoting your website can be performed by software. Tasks such as developing a new product may be put on hold for a specified period of time while you regroup. Some services can be delivered part-time.

Look at your "whole life" when you're choosing tasks to delegate. Sometimes delegating tasks in your personal life makes more sense economically or personally than delegating a particular business task. For instance, it may be much more inexpensive for you to hire someone to mind your children than hire someone to design a marketing plan.

Why not let me help you find that Happy Medium in your life book a Session today.
or call 07468119635

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